To the right there were tables of sex toys (e.g. DAME) and lubricants (e.g. Uberlube), to the left there were representatives educating us about the newest sex education phone apps (e.g. MeetRosy; OMGyes), and in the center, fabulous and fun sex therapists and educators were hanging around chatting about ADHD and sex, the best way to get your AASECT certification (shout out to the Modern Sex Therapy Institute), and debating over the usefulness of sensate focus therapy. This is the AASECT conference! In my next few blog posts I will share with you the highlights of the conference. The highlights that I share are the ways that I understood the information. What I write here is my own understanding of the workshops. As well as, I am only sharing my highlights – the things that excited me (Ye, I get geeky like that). Let’s talk optimal sex! Dr. Peggy Kleinplatz has the research to back it up. Dr. Kleinplatz and other researchers completed multiple research studies on optimal sexual experiences. I am merely summarizing some of the work by Dr. Kleinplatz. If you are curious to learn more about what I write about, I encourage you to go to her website – learn straight from the source Well, this isn’t really an encouragement, you really need to read the article to fully grasp the power and beauty of the components of optimal sex. What Are The Components of Optimal Sexual Experiences? The researchers interviewed couples who have been in a relationship for 30+ years. Below is the list of the most popular responses. (The researchers did a bunch of fancy statistics to determine “the most popular”; and no - “most popular” is not a scientific word). (Kleinplatz, Ménard, Paquet, Paradis, Campbell, et al., 2009).
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February 2023